Canada launches $10 billion infrastructure plan that aims to create 60,000 jobs

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

Fund to boost COVID\u002D19 recovery will invest in sustainable projects, clean power and broadband networks

The list does not include specific projects — or any new money — but highlights priority areas in which the bank intends to invest.

The announcement includes $500 million to help speed up the things that need to be done before starting construction, such as studies and technical reports.Article content continued The idea was for the bank to entice funding from private-sector partners, particularly big institutional investors like pension funds, to pay for what the government called “transformational” infrastructure projects.


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Canada needs to'launch' Trudeau....

I’d like to know where/when the 60K jobs’ll show...Turdeau, McKenna et al have had a few years to get the “bank” working. So far zip, zilch, zero.

The way JustinTrudeau runs a government half that will go to friends and family. WE know. He doesn’t have the integrity or intelligence to run a candy store.

As per the Harper plan.

More debt

Champlain bridge $4 billion - 2,000 jobs. Gordie Howe bridge $4.5 billion - 2,500 jobs. Anyone in Cabinet pass math? Job creation projections associated with this $10 billion are overstated by at least 10X.

10 billion dollars that will go to friends and relatives, with not control at all. This too much! JT has to go now.

Political marxism propaganda for political correct people

Good move. People need jobs. Hopefully this will be helpful in getting us back to normal economically.

So nobody in this thread wants jobs or infrastructure- got it.

Infrastructure jobs are temporary

Bullshit unless by infrastructure you mean more cottages on lake Harrington

I will believe it when he actually does it and people are actually working but I have absolutely no hope because of he is all over the map and he has made it clear he doesn't care about parliament and anything that is his responsibility.

Canada’s government specializes in failed investment!!!! They are pros at losing money

COVID19 saved JustinTrudeau for now 😞

JustinTrudeau Do you think we are stupid?

Trudeau's Liberal supporters are going to get rich!

That is $167k per job. What kind of infrastructure jobs other than politics or taxpayer subsidized “green energy consulting” pays that much?


You mean they are going to spend the money they ALREADY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO SPEND YEARS AGO BUT DID NOT? Re-announcement of old BROKEN promises...!!!!

LIES. 200K per job? Stuffing friends' pockets no doubt & theres this 👇. Doubtful that they are helping Canadians at all.

$167,000 per job?

Such a crock! Investing billions into thin air, when we know there wont be anything to invest in, when the country is shut down to contain an invisible enemy.

But where is the accounting for billions already spent? Poof, it vanished. Try reporting on that please, curious Canadians want to know.

Hog wash. How many jobs will come from this in six months? If not then maybe time to fire the bigwigs.

Prediction: creates 0 jobs and Political Elitists get $10B richer

Raiding our bank to pursue their ideology driven agenda. They do not serve Canadians! They use Canadians!

Love Trudeau.

Didn’t the PBO state in parliamentary hearings the previous money the infrastructure bank spent was not itemized or accounted for? Shouldn’t we reconcile that before dropping $10 B more.

Another liberal plan to shuffle tax$ into the liberal party, trudeau’s friends, and liberal offshore accts.

Another government branch to take taxpayers money in a bureaucracy, the provinces will be ultimately responsible to build stuff.

Wake me when it happens.

They slready lost track of infrastructure jobs. We might never know where the money went.

Liberals drove 300 billion in private investment into Canada. Now the taxpayers are going tube on the hook for payments and interest on loans. Mentality insane! They lost track of a billion. Sounds like money laundering to me

This is a joke right?


Where is this money coming from and what are the repercussions when Canada is bankrupted by the funders? Somebody has to pay. Who is paying JT to sell Canada out to the NWO?

Does anyone really believe what Trudeau says he is going to do?

Why not give small business owners a few hundred thousand and they will create the jobs.

There must be a money tree on the grounds of Rideau Hall, where else could he be getting all this cash!

Idiot, where will he borrow that money from, china?

60,000 taxpayer-funded government jobs, no doubt

10 BILLION for ONLY 60,000 Jobs. I wonder how much his Liberal buddies will be getting. SNC More LiberalCorruption TrudeauCorruption TrudeauWorstPM FireTrudeau WEscandal

Let me guess, planting the promised 2 Billion trees that never materialized? WheresTheMoneyCatherine Barkie

And where did this all go.... Come on P head... Transparency!!

I hope cathmckenna doesn't get her hands on this. I can only imagine what lack of excuses and accountability will crop up this time.

$10 bill / 60,000 jobs = $166,000 in federal taxes that would need to be collected in order to break even - PER JOB. That is roughly the equivalent of federal tax revenue of 22 Canadians making 53k (average salary nationally) per job just to break even.

WheresTheMoneyCatherine WOOF Canada is circling the drain; GotGold?

Why would someone believe this liberal hack?

Gov't redistribution doesn't 'create' jobs. Every penny moved comes at a cost of other economic activity that will no longer happen.

I hope one of them is beard trimming

Gerry Butts has a hard-on.

Uhh didn’t they try this once?

Broadband is soon available everywhere courtesy of

Calling bullshit on creating 60000 jobs. And every canadian knows atleast 1/3rd if not more of that money will be flushed down the drain going into Liberal friends and families pockets

Thats only 166,666.67 per job. What a steal 🤦‍♂️

'A few government people plan a massive tax transfer from our future children and grandchildren, knowing they will be dead and don't have any accountability.'

Jobs for who? People qualified already here and also our spouses who are waiting for months to be reunited with us as Canadians and PRs? Or express entry whom you are rolling red carpet out for shamefully while we are struggling and ignored

That money will end up overseas like China because they again won’t have a list of the projects. Anyone in the private sector would have been fired by now . How can’t you have a list of projects ?

This is not what we need. We need private industry to create jobs. But of course, at least in Alberta, the liberals have actively been hostile towards oil and gas. driving away investment and killing jobs.

Redistribution of wealth to create a job is not a long term fix. Teach a person to fish and they’ll eat for a lifetime, give them a fish and they’ll eat for a day. The latter is the liberal way.

Jobs where? He keeps throwing money at jobs, yet I’ve been looking for six months

The Liberals say the investment plan is part of the government’s promise in last week’s throne speech to create one million jobs and help revive an economy ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic. The money will be divided up as follows:

I always like how they say invest instead of spend.

More corrupt money for the solar and wind frauds.

TrudeauWorstPMEver piling it higher and deepe. Expect more TrudeauCorruption.

Why not just pick 60,000 people at random and give then each 167,000 dollars, they have to spend it.

Last time the Liberals provided a job subsidy of $1Billion, it created zero jobs. Extrapolating, Trudeau's new plan to provide a $10Billion subsidy will create...10 times zero jobs or zero jobs. When will Canadians say enough is enough? cdnpoli

They are fools. 60,000 jobs at the cost of 10 billion dollars.

I thought we already had an infrastructure plan that ate billions for nothing? More feed for the buddies in Quebec.

I bet they don’t even create 6000 jobs out of the $10 billion.

Seeing as how infrastructure money seems to vanish, I say let's have a referendum.

The government NEVER creates productive jobs. It is a productive and inventive individual who is willing to risk and follow his ideas and dreams who is making the nation rich and prosperous. Trudeau just prologues a recession and deepens the national debt.

Billions and Billions

Create? You must mean subsidize.

How about 43 gazillon

Why don’t they just stroke the cheques directly to SNC Lavalin and Bombardier and quit getting the rest of Canada’s hopes up.

$167,000 per job for jobs that will likely pay less than $100,000 Per year, so income taxes of maybe $40,000 for jobs with a taxpayer subsidy of $167,000. So a dead loss on every single job - right from the get go.

Will they be able to keep a list of the projects this time round?

And the money will disappear.

As a senior how high will my Tax's go up , soon we will be living on poverty income because of Trudeau waste of our Tax Dollars, shame on him. He can not buy my vote, NDP and Liberals have to go.

Trudeau Liberals are going to turn Canada🇨🇦 into Venezuela 👎

Good luck with that

If $10.0 billion only creates 60,000 construction jobs they are doing something wrong.

Sounds like 2 billion trees

That why 401 is under construction for the last 20 years While others build entire cities

Add that to the thousands of infrastructure projects that dissapeared!! JustinTrudeau and the Liberals do NOTHING for Canadians.

Great news for snc lavalin.

After she's LOST $BILLIONS on Infrastructure Projects she can't account for, Trudeau's giving her ANOTHER $10Billion to LOSE!!! Now that's just plain STUPID!!!

If I was in charge of that the first priority would be Clean Water to Everyone, no exceptions. Then I’d get the high speed trains going, especially north-south trains, get food to the people up North. JustinTrudeau cafreeland

Good old fashioned New Deal

Maybe they should plant those 2 billion money trees instead.

Great news for the east....not so much for the west

That’s a lot of high paying government short term jobs, once is build no more jobs

This money has already left the country. All smoke and mirrors. Sooo, what about First Nations' drinking water

Can we just give every CDN a million dollars and be done with this idiot ?

cathmckenna will there be performance audit including open and transparent process when it comes to procurement or will all the money flow to friends of the Liberal Party? or or

once again liberal smoke and mirrors

Zero-emissions buses that nobody needs. Built by Bombardier no doubt!!! LMAO. Socialism now a fact in Canazuela. Bribes are Back!

Where do they come up with these job numbers?

Catherine “WheresTheMoneyCatherine” McKenna AKA cathmckenna taking the lead on this one too?

So $167k to create each job? Sounds like another pathetic ROI, especially considering they’ll miss their targets by 600%.

Sounds like $10billion dollars of taxpayers money and thousands of infrastructure projects are again about to go unaccounted for. TrudeauCrimeMinister FireTrudeau WheresTheMoneyCatherine

How much of this money goes to Margaret and Sasha? They need a new source of income now that the WEscam was discovered.

What are the details? Or is it something only CatherineMcKenna knows because of ‘national security concerns’? Don’t fault anyone who has doubts. cdnpoli infrastructure

Clean power? That is a hoot, since Canada already generates over 80% of the power source from clean sources - (See slide 4) Did cathmckenna find the missing money for the $10B infrastructure project?

'He told a news conference the fund would invest in clean power, zero-emissions buses, home retro fits, broadband networks and irrigation infrastructure for farmers.' sounds like a waste of money.

It won't.

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