Alberta government bans school mask mandates, online-only learning | CBC News

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Canada Headlines News

Canada Latest News,Canada Headlines

No Alberta schools or pre-kindergarten classes can require students to wear masks to attend school, says a new provincial government regulation.

The rules, which take effect today, also prevent almost every Alberta school from shifting Grade 1 to 12 classes to a solely online format.

The statement says the government is concerned about the mental health implications of children missing in-person classes during the pandemic. It also says some children struggled with online learning during the past three years, and that an in-person option should help children keep up with their academics.

Public health doctors have said influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and COVID-19 are leading to a triple whammy of health challenges for children. In October, a Court of King's Bench judge found the government's requirement to end mask mandates was "unreasonable" because the decision was made by cabinet and not the chief medical officer of health, who has that power under the Public Health Act.

Earlier this month, absenteeism in Edmonton schools due to illness had risen above 13 per cent. The situation improved after a five-day November break. On Wednesday, about 5.4 per cent of students were out sick.Parents question government


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And the 'Most Intelligent Province Award' goes to Alberta....




I thought these people believe in no mandates

A political leader that actually listens to her constituents. The press is not going to like this.

Great! Forced masks are child abuse.

Fcking Love, Alberta!

WONDERFUL, as it should be.


If you're a neurotic you can still make your own children wear a mask

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 80% of U.S. states mandated masks to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2, but accumulating research shows mask mandates and use do not lower the spread of the virus.

Awesome! Let parents parent

Finally a government using science to make a decision and protecting its citizens! Thank goodness someone is finally putting kids first.

Thank. God.

Alberta your based is showing

My body, my choice…….

Since when does CBC give a damn about Alberta? Why don’t you go report on your Liberal masters and mind your business.

Thank God! Masks harm kids.


That is Great! Thank you for respecting our individual choices!


Great news! Who doesn't love the ability to make a decision for themselves!!

God I like that woman.

Feelings aside, please offer a rebuttal to the science behind this.

Common sense from the sticks! 🍁

Great news!

Good for them!

LEGENDARY 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 thank you ABDanielleSmith

good to see schools standing up for kids and the child abuse that useless masks are

Has anyone seen the paper face diapers with parasites moving on them? I WILL NEVER WEAR ANOTHER ONE!!!

Yeah but how can we believe anything your corporation says?


Ppl. should be able to remain home when ill..we need more accommodation & sick days not band aids..

Haha cbc your boss is loosing ground


Defund CBC


Great news!

That's the way Alberta!!! wexit

Why not report on JustinTrudeau lies today? You are truly fakenews


I e never worn a face muzzle. My kids have never worn one either and they never will. There is just one child in my kids school that is made to wear one by his mentally ill parents and so many of us think they are child abusers. They really are sick, feel so sorry for their son

CBC WEF/Liberal disinformation centre of Canada.

The Alberta advantage is back!

At least one province is getting things right.


Thank you common sense for protecting us from radical Leftism.

daniellesmith is an old-school dinnosaur fascist, like crumpus the orange.

Resistance ISNT futile.

Woohoo!! Amazing job Alberta standing up for children, their health, wellbeing and childhood!! Keep up the good work!! freedom freethefaces followthescience

Let kids be free

You Branch Covidians are determined to raise a generation of fearful compliant sheep who are content to “own nothing and be happy” while they chow down on Klaus’ Cricket Casserole.

Blessed are the Albertans and their children,their province doesn’t live under health dictatorship like BC.

What is the matter with Alberta? It used to be a very reasonable place when I lived there!

What a brilliant Province! Wish my bf would like to move! 😏

Next they should cut off soap and the hot water supply (if there is any) in schools so that children can build their own 'god given' immune system.


As children begin to die from the flu, Adriana LaGrange and Danielle Smith protect every student's right to infect others. 'We want to make sure if some kids are hospitalized from illness, they have a best friend right there with them.' abed ableg

Martyupnorth_2 That is the way it should be. No child or anyone for that matter should be forced to wear a mask

Ppl in comments celebrating the spread of a virus?

And that's how you get 15 hour wait times at children's hospitals that results in a crumbling health care system.

KyleDelecto If lockdowns worked, they would have. If masks worked, they would have. If the 💉 worked, they would have…

Martyupnorth_2 This is so refreshing to see… so much more positivity in the comments then negativity. I love Alberta. I love Albertans. Thank you ABDanielleSmith!


About time saner heads are making decisions.

Actual FACTS!

Finally they are listening to the science

👏🏼 smart


Thank God for leaders with a sense of understanding and truth… NOBODY SHOULD WEAR MASKS - That’s how people get sick 🤒

Medical fascism has no place in this great country. Keep your masks off our children.

You have an amazing leader Alberta! Masks must be a choice. Bodily autonomy. Remember when world leaders said the so called 'vaccine' stopped transmission and everyone ran to get a shop believing this to be true?

Good. Finally some good news.

It’s about fucking time.

Excelente 🙌

Kids are sick because we have kept them in a sanitized bubble for 2 years. They need viruses and germs to grow a health immune system.

Only reasonable province in the entire confederation. Can’t wait to see what happens when they wake up and separate from canada to join the US as the wealthy state in the union. .

Excellent and common sense

it's about time authority stands up for the children. We need more heros like ABDanielleSmith running provinces.

Good let them develop like they should, being able to see someone's whole face is just better


Great news, let kids be kids. We’re seeing the negative implications of two plus years of fear and isolation with record numbers of sick and depressed kids.

Parents can still choose to tell their kids to wear a mask. Win-win

Martyupnorth_2 As it should be!!!


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️🇨🇦❤️ let the children along

Canada's Florida?

No one is stopping people / parents / kids from wearing one if they want to.

Would be nice if the kindergarten and pre-kindergarten exemption was properly represented…

No children should have to wear masks ( because they don’t work) period. Thousands of experts have said they don’t work

Alberta is finally on the right track! The new premiere is making the bold decisions that the majority of Albertans and Canadians agree with regardless of what MSM and the woke say. We're just quite about it and don't scream like they do.

Because Alberta isn’t into child abuse.

Hahaha the comments on here are cringe.

Why do theUCP keep ignoring science that proves masks lessen infections🤪

Entire world needs to follow Alberta

Good for Alberta. The rule of the paranoid hypochondriacs needs to come to an end before an entire generation of children is psychologically stunted by fear and distrust of a virus that poses no threat to them at all

That is because this is a parent's decision. We realize you hate families, CBC, but here in Alberta we believe parents have rights over their children.

Awesome Those greenish bluish masks are poisonous destroying natural immunity Cannot go to a senior dance club because not j a b b e d then heard 2 of the band members got what they called covid . How come if they got the jab did they get the so called covid?






Need to revisit the idea of inalienable rights. Not granted by another, but something so self-evident and irreducible that it cannot be granted or taken away... Its a universal.

quelqu'un qui se tient debout contre ces merdeux.

Martyupnorth_2 Good. Thank you Premier Smith.

Martyupnorth_2 As it should be. Those are decisions for parents to make, not administrators.

Alberta is in big trouble. Please pray for them.

You don't need the gov to tell you to wear a mask. If you want to wear one. If you don't want to that's your choice. If you want to send your child to school in one that's your choice. My son is always masked at school he is immune compromised. I wish more peps would though

Great news!!


You can still choose to wear a mask if you like so feel free to do whatever. The liberal tears are flowing hard in this post. The pro noun police are out in full force


Good, hope the shots aren't manditory

I like how a bunch of politicians with no background in viruses, are making decisions about children's health.

Awesome news! Alberta is lucky to have Danielle Smith as their premier.

Well done!! ❤️

Finally, the common sense applied. Scientifically demonstrated that masks are useless AND harmful.

Great thanks ABDanielleSmith the kids have suffered enough.

Great job alberta CUPE amd CBC are non stop slandering against daneille smith Must be nice to be a communist taking bribes from trudeau...we know this

God bless 🙏🙏


I guessing there will still be judges, administrators, and teachers who 'heroically' stand up for 'the science' and try to buck this regulation. Many minds out there are infected with the new Scientism.

good. next were taking away your licence to broadcast your propaganda in the great state of Alberta. VIVA ALBERTA LIBRE!



good!! let the kids be! leave them out of this political nightmare! MasksDontWork

I'm glad to hear this.

NoMaskMandate Excellent leavethechildrenalone

Good!!! Hinders their language development

At least one province has sanity.

Way to go Alberta!

Total bullshit!!

Thank you ABDanielleSmith 👍👍

Awesome! Free the children!

Bravo Alberta Time to get away from these Dangerous insane wokeloosers


Fantastic! Sanity returning.

The liberal scum are losing the culture war slowly but surely they are losing ground. Congrats 🎉 👏 🥳


Alberta sounds like a great place to raise a family.

Alberta is becoming Canada's Florida, keep up the good work.


The most likes you’ll ever get.

Great legislation as any advocates for masking children should be locked up for child abuse!

Tha kid looks sad. Can't even see his face.



This ban should have happened a long time ago!! Just because they banned mandates (which they should!) doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to wear a mask - if YOU WANT to wear a mask or your kids, then go right ahead!! But you CANNOT force this sh*t on people so stop trying!

That's awesome.

Good. You people need to chill with the government solutions to your life. Wear at your own risk.

The language is hilarious, they are “banning the mandate”

Congrats on officially being the place where science goes to die. Can we start teaching that the earth is flat?


Can you un-take the 'vaccine'?

Masking small children is not recommended by the manufacturers and harm development.



This virus never posed any statistical threat to children. Masking children is child abuse.

No more of the most fearful and people in our society, forcing their fears on us

So 'no masks' hve been mandated.

Wonderful news. 👏🏻

Can they talk to Dougie Ford?

the sole mask that works is a painting respirator that gets changed daily too.

Good. The choice is there for parents who want there children to wear a mask and for parents who don't. This is how it should be and not forced.

Fantastic! All places should do this! Children have been suffering.

That's one nasty provincial regime.

More gaslighting by this bought and paid for by Trudeau with our money propaganda media. DefundCBC


Excellent news for democracy


It’s not too late to become the 51st State


Welcome to Altamerica

Best ratio I've seen on a CBC post in months! And the engagement!! CTVNews, look what happens when you post unifying stories instead of division. Thank you, .

We need ABDanielleSmith to ban the QR requirement now. Grade schools are forcing the exposing of personal health information via QR codes for parents at the door. They don't have this right. Parents have a right to medical privacy.

This is the way

Finally, some common sense.

Good. Enough with the exploitation of children for political gain. The healthcare system has been systematically used as a tax fund funnel for decades by elected and appointed cronies.



Absolutely amazing!!! Our kids are finally getting a win.


Do you jobs as a parent, you don't need Smith to tell you what is good for your kids.

Do Not Comply!

Notice when does a 'poll' they come back and say everyone wants masks, yet, the likes on their stories never represent this.

Finally some common sense

cant wait to move there.

Excellent news

RandyRimmer4 Good job Alberta!

Yes! It should have been like this forever

Thanks god


The dumpster fire that is Alberta continues to burn

Finally the Child abuse ends

All the bedwetters whining as they can no longer control others: Put 2 masks on your poor child if you must. No one's stopping you. That way there'll always be 2 useless items between your child's traumatised face & those of normal children. Problem solved, & you can calm down.



It's about time. This is what happens when you get the right leader

if you want to destroy your kids immune system mask them and most people for that matter compromise a mask minutes after wearing them and they turn into a perfect petri dish being fed by warm moist know what kids love to do?...they love to trade masks 🤢

About time! Enough harm and trauma has been forced on these children!

This is such a bizarre government regulation

Nope it can’t. But if someone wants to wear a mask you are allowed to. Have at it

You're on the right track, just 18 months behind us in Montana and the rest of 'red' state Americans. Seriously, I saw this headline and thought it must be an old article from 2021.




Get your kids out of these schools.




Kudos to Premier Danielle Smith! We only wish that fordnation would find the same courage to ban all mask and vaccine mandates because they are not consistent with the science and are clearly detrimental to our children and our society at large. movetoAlberta

Sounds like we need to move to Alberta!

Denying protection to children from a deadly virus is cruelty to children. And those who are happy about it are as cruel. Do these people deny that a problem exists because the virus is too small to see? Or because they have no children of their own, or have no brain?

So? If you feel putting on the face diaper will save you, then wear it! Why do you need a nanny state with gov telling you what to do?

henryraymondbr1 Good. We need to give childhood back to children.

Of course it's Alberta.

flanoor Good

👍🏼 Right on. Big win.

Good .

I've never wished I was a resident of Alberta more than today.

PremierScottMoe time to follow suit!

Good! It’s time to fight back.

I see Alberta is on the path to become Canada's very own Kentucky


Mask the world. I wear mine to sleep. For myself and for grandma.

fordnation follow suit

Good finally ! Someone with comme sense !!

Perfect. It should be up to everyone else not any school boards or government! Who likes to protect against the flu and RSV and corona please put a mask on, het vaccine for your child and yourself! But not the society

Man this new UCP leader makes me want to move to Alberta so much. BC needs some candidates like her.

Good, love Alberta


A great decision, I wish Ontario would follow suit.


I am so grateful for this

Finally a win for the kids. Good job Alberta!

Good to see some common sense being put in place

Good for them!

Good they shouldn’t have to

God bless Alberta 🙏

Love it

55 unvaccinated, no lockdowns, no masks, and somehow still here. Oh so is my wife of the same age beside me. Actually she is 59, no how many meds she is on? ZERO! We don’t need medications, but you do and want healthy kids to be unhealthy just like you!


Masks don’t work against covid or the likes of TB. But Dr’s wear them. Not to stop TB, they are worn in a climate controlled environment, good for two hours only, properly fitted by a trained professional. Stop comparing dirty masks in public touched hundreds of times in a day

Plow on Alberta and prove all mandates wrong

An unrealistic expectation, what about immune compromised family at home..🧐

CBC=LIBERAL PROPAGANDA when trudeau is gone you are HISTORY.

Good. Cruelty to children should never have been encouraged.

That’s a way to put our health care system in even a worse position!! Very shortsighted

Good 👍

Yes, make Alberta the Florida of Canada.

Well done Alberta well done

I bet you clowns at cbc can't wait till your canceled.I don't drink but when the day comes for the cbc firings i will have a celebratory drink.


Wear one if you want. It’s called choice.

Sanity at last.

Good. Wear a mask if you want to, homeschool if you want to. Freedom of choice.

At least one smart province. Now if Canadians overthrow their petty tyrant JustinTrudeau my faith in them will be renewed.


Communist mask cult defeated. A win for children. Let this be the first domino to fall. School Mask mandates need a Canadawide ban.

Good. A win for kids & parents

premierbhiggs we need this legislation for New Brunswick school children. Please read.

Thank God for Danielle Smith. Maybe it will give others the strength to stand up, or at least look into actual data, instead of just following orders.



Good Lord. Well done Alberta. Keep covid, rvs and the flu healthy and spreading quickly.

child-masking is child abuse


They can require them to wear clothes but not a mask. It’s become do what’s only good for you not the community.


The way things are going it might be time to move to Alberta.

How about safety goggles & hearing protection in Science and Tech. classes? Surely those are optional right?

Good. There is a little common sense left in Canada.

Finally a decent leader

Excellent news finally a province with the common sense and science behind it approach.

nicomorowat 🎉🎉🎉😃

Execellent. Mask zealots can no longer project their hypochondria

Glad to hear that some sanity may be returning to part of Canada.

Good. It should be a choice.

Well at least most of the fascists are in one province !

about time....enough with the covid LIES and the tyranny

This is our new normal to wear masks. :( It feels like wearing a scarf all the time. They have to watch out for their own health and also if they're sick, other peoples health.

MissyBouche8 Excellent

A return to sanity! You love to see it!

Don't worry all of you crybullies out there if I know Justin Castro at all he's going to jump in any minute here and declare that Alberta can't do this in his Cuba woops in meant Canada

The lack of altruism in the comments is heartbreaking.

Such good news! Danielle Smith is the best

Positive news against a 60 nano meter virus! mucosal_immunity_best show_your_smile Stop billions of micro plastic, bacterial infection increasing, confusion increasing, face shields going to landfill and oceans!


Finally a province showing some common sense. In Denmark we haven’t worn masks anywhere since Jan

Finally. People start to wake up. So far as I can tell, masks are great if you want to psychologically damage children. Its a good set up I suppose to lead them into a nice media controlled existence. Good job DrFaucis1. Evil.

Are Canadians still wearing masks? Christ.

Good for Alberta. Now we need every province to follow.

Huge W



Cool. Finally a provincial government makes sense. Great job Alberta!

Need this in all of Canada


Good, the craziness need to stop.

Are you saying there are still some sane people left in Canada..?


Great. Another good move by Smith.

Based. CBC big mad.

Finaly a place that stand up against the pharmas and WEF tyrants!! Go Alberta Go!!!



Were taking back our country


About time...

More children will die the next couple years then prior you are right. Only reason is our kids immune systems are weakened. Blame that on the government for locking us down. Once we build they’re immune systems back up, deaths will return to previous trends.

Bravo Alberta!

I’m hoping all of Canada not just Alberta





Good kids need oxygen and to see mouths to learn speech

This is great news, if you don't like it home school your and kids and shut your mouth

Trudeau must be pissed

School districts that required masks this fall saw significantly fewer coronavirus cases than those where masks were optional, according to a large study of Arkansas schools by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. March 8, 2022

Well done, Alberta!👏👏👏


FK YES!!!!!!!!!

No American schools should attend this non-sense regulation.

Good .



Finally some good news for children who have been the victims of senseless adult fear mongering over the past 3 years.

That’s stupid


Sanity and common sense wins. Masks

I’m American and I’m inquiring to Canadians when I ask this genuine question. . . Is Alberta the Florida/South Dakota of Canada If so ….. I’M FUCKING IN BABY LFG!!!

That's great to hear

Good. Anyone opposed this should head on over to toronto.

THANK YOU!!! We have immune systems for a reason!


Amazing how many parents on here are anti parental rights? Sad world when we want to mandate every detail of our life. Wake up ppl!

To each their own, a win for sanity and bodily autonomy. Your body, your choice…always

isaacggggggg KingTrumpForevr the pic looks like a charedi

...and Health Canada...?

Good! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Great news!

Some common sense in this God forsaken world

Well as long as it’s not one of their kids in the hospital they don’t care…same goes for the parents that think masks are so bad, they won’t get it until it’s their child that’s severely ill. I wish Alberta luck, they’re gonna need it with that clown Danielle in charge…🙄

Amazing 🤩

I am so glad. My grandchildren should never have to wear a mask. It’s child abuse.

Meanwhile in Sweden... Would you believe there was never a single mask mandate of any kind? Meanwhile, let's look at the highest mask compliance regions:

Alberta is calling, and so is death and disease.

Good. And now we can never see mask's again.

Alberta doing right.






perfect. let them make their own choices.

Nobody is stopping you from wearing one. It's called freedom of choice. It's the way it should be.

My child will never wear one again.

This is great news

Alberta …… the Texas of Canada 💯💯💯✊🇨🇦

Alberta is setting the right path for the rest of the country to follow


Wow! C'est merveilleux! Enfin un chef d'état qui se tient debout devant la folie covid! Bravo à Danielle Smith.


I'm starting to think ABDanielleSmith might be the Prime Minister of Canada 🇨🇦 in a few years.

Should I feel lucky becoz I don't like in Alberta? Why is Alberta?

Defund CBC.

Well done!

About fucking time.

I’m moving to Alberta…. Ontario sucks



This is unfair, do you know that teachers have worked almost 3 months without a vacation, how can they be expected to work the same hours as the rest of us? I guess what helps them is the PD days they tack onto the weekend twice a month.

Elementary School Question; Is it healthy to put the 'Carbon Dioxide' we exhale, back into our lungs 🫁? Ford: Masking a personal choice.

The right are the biggest fucking babies on the planet lol

That is awesome, great new

The way we should be keeping the kids home and besides why pay so much for building new schools.

If people wanted to wear masks, they would. Without mandates. Stop pushing a narrative that doesn’t exist. Folks wanna wear a mask? Fine. Let them. They don’t? That’s fine too.

Also, there is no rule saying you can’t. So it is up to personal choice - what a novel idea!

Good. They also aren’t prohibiting anyone from wearing one. Being able to make a choice that works for yourself is refreshing.

Good. Never should have happened to begin with. Those that want to mask up, have at it. But keep your hypochondria to yourself.

I can make my kids wear whatever I want them to

Twisting words. That’s not what they’ve said they’re not forcing people we know you lefties love to force people to do things they’re leaving it up to the parents. You can wear 9 masks if you want knock your socks off.

It should be Canada Wide!


GOOD. Colds and flus run through schools, mask or not. Masks didn’t work the first time, not gonna work now.

Finally!!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Quatar kids at the World Game Cup. Did you get it?

Sanity!!! Finally

I can't wait until I can move to Alberta. We need to pass a law in Canada that no employer can require 'vaccines' as well. Ever again. Once we finally get rid of all the unethical and unscientific mandates that already exist.

I love how anti vax are acting like they won something with the convoy. Masks were still required after and slowly things went back to normalcy. You guys didnt do anything but ensure liberals another win for 2025




Unbelievable. UCP swings between regressive and draconian policies.

Great news! How do we keep the Universities from trying to reimplement these ridiculous mandates?


How long until Q-Anielle Smith bans science class in Alberta schools?


Danielle Smith for PM


CBC you did it again. You twisted it again. Hello CBC you are the problem yes it is you. How are you spending my tax dollars? You have a lot of them.

Shutting down local voices, while shooting off about respecting Albertans

Finally critical thinking returns.Looking at data and dareing to stand up against the harmful idelogy we were forced to accept. Now let's focus on the big job and fix the health care. ABDanielleSmith has given us parents hope to have a any decent future for our kids. Thanks

stations across the country for weeks are trying very hard to push the false narative how masks are proven to slowdown spread of viral infections. Even if this would be true, let's remember that we are in current state because of unnecessary and harmful mask mandates.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾alberta doing it all right! Ottawa mask mandate not going through. The people are waking up!

Amen to this!

Alberta looks better and better all the time.

Great news

Parents choice stop the Bullshit….

attention: we have achieved sanity

freedom to choose if they want to wear one or not. how it should have always been. iamantimandate


Anti-Maskers yell 'We know who you are. We will come after you.'

Thank you alberta

That's great news!


God bless Alberta

That’s the way you do it. Thank you!!

Bad for CBC corrupted fake news and big pharmaceutical companies

Completely going to the other way. Wearing a mask won't kill you but don't wear it may jeopardize you are getting some kind of contagious diseases that spread through the air.

Head in the sand, just like AZ.

Yeah have fun with that Alberta. You've already devolved a good 59 years....

Awesome. You are still free to wear a mask.


Awesome !

Alberta really has become Canada's version of Florida


Wtf Why this part? 'No shifting Grade 1 to 12 classes to a solely online format.' What happens of there's a measles outbreak or a new virus that kills children in large numbers? Just no school?

Excellent. Freedom of choice. Move along you pathetic alarmists....your 10th immune system destroying shot awaits you.


As it should be


Also just in: Smith’s Anti maskers and anti vaxxers volunteer to be the first to cancel their surgeries and treatments when cancelations must happen.


This is stupid…..they are not concerned about anyone’s well being.

Great news. Our kids have suffered enough.

🙏 Thank You ABDanielleSmith If Anyone Wants To Wear One 😷… Please Feel Free 🙏❤️‍🔥

Good. And defundcbc

THANK YOU ABDanielleSmith keep it up!!

Based, more provinces need to follow

Alberta, the Texas of Canada. 🙄😒 Wait'll most of Alberta's kids are suffering from LongCovid, with permanent heart and lung damage from repeated Covid and other respiratory viral infections, and the next generation of workers is disabled and unable to work. Think, people. 🤔

Brilliant! Maybe they can start rebuilding their immunity system these fight these colds.

More about that:

A province with sanity. At last.

everyone will be moving to Alberta

Right wing lunacy......


Good. They still can wear them if they wants to they just can’t be forced to.

Hell ya

This is the way.

Good we are done with mask 😷 and covid move on with your lives


Should of happened 3 years ago.

If these masks worked covid would be done already, 2 years of wearing them and people who wear it religiously still getting it. Maybe, just maybe, you’re being lied too.

Still talking about that?

At least Alberta looks out for kids

Suck it up CBC

Masks are for washrooms

We still wear masks here in BC on occasion as some business still request it, it’s not big deal, we do things ever single day that are rule or policy based our lives revolve around laws and rules, so making a fuss about wearing a mask for the short term is laughable

Excellent! I will never support child abuse. Oxygen deprivation is child abuse.

Excellent news!

Brilliant.. didn't know that common sense was so hard to come by in the West.

The children are winning all over Canada now. Sanity prevails!

Good about time. Masks don’t work.

Overstepping boundaries I'd say.

Yes! Go Alberta!

Danielle Smith. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Wohooo!! As it should be! Go ABDanielleSmith

Good! Stop torturing children!

It's about time! Let kids be kids. masksdontwork anyhow.

Good, should be nationwide. DefundCBC

Alberta's UCP government would see to it that children die in order to virtue signal their supremely ignorant voter base. Disgusting

What we need is a law outlawing masks, no child should be allowed to wear one ever....they're disease vectors that nobody handles or wears properly.

win for the kids.


You’re fake news, you’re just a propagandist for Justin Trudeau’s liberal party, you do not deserve taxpayers money

I wouldn’t follow anything the government of Alberta has to say with the ivermectin queen in charge

I Love Alberta

Keep the kids home. Don't force them to catch diseases they may not survive



Sounds reasonable. Free the children to breathe.

Glad they care NOT


Great news

Great news!

Respect ✊

Another win for Alberta DefundCBC

Great for Alberta for caring for our children. Here’s a child’s drawings who has clearly been impacted by these atrocities.

Too late. We homeschool and the kid ain’t ever going back into that government indoctrination system. I get thanked by the kid every day for saving their ass as they see what their friends must endure. Homeschool your kids people! It’s hard but worth it.

A province which sees the tyranny for what it is, not for what a corrupt world and government want it to be. All those going along with this gene side should be ashamed of themselves along with the MSM publishing the lies rather then publishing the lies.


Awesome, good job Danielle!

This stance is 2-fold. I don't wear a mask but it's clear that masks have been politicized. In Ontario the CMOH follows Ford's guidance, and in Alberta the government overules the CMOH. Seriously, what's the point of CMOH anymore?

As the song says - Leave them kids alone

Good.Alberta has the best Premier in all of Canada 🇨🇦.

You worried your kid gets a cold? Put mask on them and leave the rest of us alone. My child wont wear the diaper.

First time you put a tweet on here that made sense and truthful. Feels good, doesn’t it?!

How long until Justin Treadonme tries to punish Alberta?

Well, it always good to have a clear control group…




A province with common sense

What is our country coming to

Awesome news. Keep up the good work premier smith. If someone wants to wear one they can, but mandates were stupid then and would be even more stupid now.

Thank you so much Premier Smith, finally a politician with backbone in Canada. Time to leave people alone with the Covid hysteria, we are done with that rubbish.


Suck it maskurbators!

Hey, Hamiltons got pedos reading to kids ..


Perfect! The way it should be

Hold Danielle Smith responsible for every child's death due to Covid. She is responsible.

Because they don't work!!!

If everyone was masked, opposition would be fined like the last 2 years. Why, when it's not masking mandated, there would be a lawsuit. See how phony this all is. Just wear a mask if you want since March, and be a free-thinker.



You can make them go to school but you can’t make them learn.

I feel sorry for the poor kids that have liberal minded parents. Forced to do something they don’t wanna do, forced to take a shot they don’t want or don’t understand and have no clue what it will do to them. Those parents really need to rethink being a parent.

This is great news!!! The mask mandates did so much harm. There's a whole generation of kids that have been adversely affected for life! Now the rest of the country needs to follow! Time to put kids first. Bravo

God bless ABDanielleSmith

That's cause we ain't p*ssys

Good, no more. Like a lesbian we don't want mandates.

But kids can still wear them if they choose.

Thanks goodness for sane Government in Alberta!

Wonderful!!! Thank you, ABDanielleSmith and your entire time! Signed, An Alberta parent

Guess the answer is to close the school to keep students, teachers and staff safe and healthy. UCPClueless Fail FreeDumb abpoli

Wonderful. Finally Following the science 😅

Yay! We get to stop abusing children. It’s a step

So sad.

Yay! Ontario motion just failed today too!!

'Two weeks to flatten the curve' here we are almost three years later trying to fight of mask and vaccine mandates.

Awesome! Thank you Danielle Smith and AHS 👊🏼❤️🇨🇦

Hell ya.

Excellent news!

Very good. Wear them if you want.


Absolutely horrid. Shame on those who won't protect Alberta's kids. Hope Albertans remember this next election 절대적으로 끔찍합니다. 앨버타의 아이들을 보호하지 않는 사람들에 대한 수치심. Albertans가 이번 선거를 기억하기를 바랍니다.

Good! cant wait to see you guys crumble after the next election

So very fortunate that my children and I live in ALBERTA!

Excellent 👌🏼

I guess central control is fine as long as it comes from Edmonton and not Ottawa.


Just move this province down to the southern US. Same people can hope off before the move.


Nonsense, this is getting totally out of hand

So grateful to live in Alberta..

The only mask a child should wear is an oxygen mask!

Maybe a little bit of sanity is returning to our country. Next step defund the media outlet that released this story. defundcbc

all the mask fanatic conspiracy theorists are in shambles now.

So no freedumb then? Isn't that what they all went to Ottawa for? To protest against mandates and for their freedumbs? I just don't know who to cheer for now.

Good they need to build their immune systems again. It’s not normal to not have a cold or flu for 3 years. Tho my little has been sick for 2 months off and on and I hate it for her this is the best decision I feel



Seriously loving Alberta...might be time to move


Good news.


Face coverings are for certain Abrahamic religions.



Good. fordnation end the theatre and division taking place in our province. Put a leash on the COVID19 screamers and STOP allowing them to use our kids as pawns to promote their ideology. EnoughlsEnough NeverAgain MasksDontWork

You people just love forcing your delusions on others.

That literally is small government. Make your own choices people. I understand pmjt scared many of you. He wasn't alone. It's changed now though.

Masks are trauma theatre.

Good. Covidism as an ideology justly deserves an ignominious death.

Become the 51 state

Well done Alberta!

God I love ABDanielleSmith

Not just in Alberta, we don’t want no mask mandates all over Canada 🇨🇦

Can they guarantee that those who chose to wear a mask will not be bullied or harassed? Instead of yapping about mandates I would like to see more emphasis on respecting personal choice.

Could never wrap my head around the absolute idiocy of fighting mask mandates!!

Yes. They can wear them if they want to

Trudeaumustgo In case you have forgotten, this is what leadership looks like.

The best Premier of Alberta and I'm proud of her to stand up for Albertans unlike Trudeau.

Now do the same for Vaccine passports...never to be required by anyone,anywhere.

Danielle hard at work, keep it up!

Wonderful!! ❤

Alberta lookin' good

This should be just common sense - who would mandate masks for kindergarteners?

Good job Alberta

Excellent. The mental, physical and developmental harm masks can do to children are awful. Masks are dehumanizing. This should be done all across our country.


The tide is shifting!!!! Good for Alberta

This is fantastic!

Let the science prove otherwise

Ah the Donald trump, Jason Kenney, smith, ucp mentality! Where are we, Russia? Election now!

Great news!

You guys are still doing that covid thing in Canada?

Well done ABDanielleSmith


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