Why Your Business Is Stuck by findingyourfire in entrehandbook
I’ve been an entrepreneur for several decades. When I was younger people would always tell me I would end up as a business owner, but it wasn’t because I was filled with fabulous ideas and the know-how to put them into action.
Realizing I had been humiliated by someone who thought snipe hunting would be fun at the expense of unknowing 10-year-olds, I came home and announced, “ I’m done with scouts. They don’t know how to treat me right!”Whatever the job, I would go in one of two directions. If I loved it I gave it my all but if I didn’t, I started to look elsewhere.
It’s like telling someone you sell sofas when really you sell luxury lounge furniture making you feel like you are getting a personal massage when you sit down.You don’t necessarily need to embellish as much as you need to have a message that has clarity and appeal.2. Your outreach is underperformingMoney spent does not always equal money earned!
It’s like a snipe hunt for your business. You are wasting time chasing something that you are not going to find.You might work for hours trying to build your business when you should be working smarter instead of more.I have worked with entrepreneurs who are doing everything from digital sales to podcasting, hosting events to blogging, and everything in between.They have their fingers in every piece of the pie but never get to taste the rewards.
Business owners who go through the motions often experience burnout because they don’t personally feel involved with any passion for their business anymore. Recently I worked with the owner of a business who confessed he hadn’t enjoyed running his business for over the past 7 years!That is self-torture and I’d hardly want to be a personal martyr at my own expense.Business owners often feel guilty when their business is not growing sufficiently.Guilt often replaces wisdom, causing a lot of random action without thinking it through.You need not feel guilty if yours has. It simply means you need to find what will make it get healthy again.