Three decorated artists, EJUpClose, juliawolfnyc and IngridAndress, are coming to The City later this month.
Now that the San Francisco concert schedule is getting back to being booked solid again, often with sellout shows, it’s easy to forget the coronavirus darkness that descended on the world back in March of 2020. Austin guitarist Eric Johnson will be reminded every time he steps onstage during his new Treasure Show 2023 jaunt, which hits The City on Feb. 19.
He wound up with two, in fact, recently issued on Blue Elan as the 18-track “The Book of Making/Yesterday Meets Today.” Its revamped chestnuts are complemented by seven brand-new pandemic-spurred compositions. Some feature vocals, like the celebratory “To Be Alive,” his duet with breezy chanteuse Arielle. With many, Johnson simply lets his guitar do all talking.
Wolf is quite up front about her humble origins, encapsulating her life story in the title of her just-released debut album, “Good Thing We Stayed.” In fact, it wasn’t until her musical ideas were studio-animated by producer/collaborator Jackson Foote that she kicked open her coffin lid and came alive. Before that? “I couldn’t ever really communicate with people face to face,” she swears. “So I literally didn’t speak for the entirety of my life, until I started finally putting music out.
So yes, Wolf says — with the title of her album, it was a rare time when she was not kidding around. And she believes all of her clever cubs out there can discern the difference by now.