It's never too late.. and, there's help. Check this out! SanJacintoCollege offers adult learners chance to finish with ‘Last Step Scholarship’
“This scholarship is specifically for adults who started their pursuit of an associate degree or workforce certificate, but were unable to complete it,” said Teri Crawford, San Jacinto College
Vice Chancellor for External Relations and the San Jacinto College Foundation Executive Director. “This is a chance for adult learners to continue the path they started and make the move into the job they always wanted. We are incredibly grateful to our donor who made this possible for students to complete their higher education credential.
“For many adult students, this scholarship could be the difference between completing their credential or not,” said Dr. Brenda Hellyer, Chancellor of San Jacinto College. “We are very thankful for donors that recognize the value in finishing an education and are willing to support that endeavor.”