“How dare Kendall do this to her sister on the day she gets engaged? That’s really messed up.”
Kendall then turned to Kourtney and asked: “I haven’t spoken to you about, like, do you have sympathy for Scott? Do you have sympathy for the position that he’s in at all?”After Kourtney said that she did, Kendall snapped: “Because it doesn’t feel like you do, just as an outsider.”Kim then pointed out: “He’s also had five, six years to get over this.” But Kendall argued: “Of course, but it’s always going to sting.
”Kim went on to defend her older sister as she told the rest of the group: “Guys, are we so fucking crazy that we are talking about it [now]? Can we talk about this tomorrow and let them enjoy their night out there?”Speaking in a confessional, Kourtney said of the situation: “I’m sensitive to [Scott] and his feelings and I communicate with him about the kids and I make sure that he’s good, but beyond that I just got engaged and I want to be happy and be in the moment, and I just don’t think...