Could air guitar bring world peace? These guys think so
There's no way you can hold a gun when you're holding an air guitar, which means air guitar can usher in an era of world peace. At least that’s the logic that birthed the
The second criterion is technical prowess. The folks that have technical prowess sometimes are actual musicians, but that’s not usually the case, according to Humphrey. He says, “I tend to think that if you're really good at the guitar, that can be a detriment, because they have a hard time setting all their music knowledge and theory aside and actually playing the air guitar. Air guitar is very different. ...
je ne sais quoi of air guitar — where you kind of forget that you're seeing somebody play their guitar, and it becomes something unto itself, like performance art. It means that somebody has something really special that they want to communicate with this particularly weird medium, and you don't see that every competition.”