Henry Cavill says his next Superman movie will feature an “enormously joyful” Man of Steel:
, the word “joyful” would really not apply to the guy. Zack Snyder’s conception of the character was much more an outsider who felt like he didn’t fit in on Earth and was unsure of how or even he should help its people. Cavill’s Superman was much more insecure about himself than more upbeat and cheerful version of the guy played by Christopher Reeve, and who often appears in the pages of DC Comics.
, where he draped himself in an all-black version of his costume. Cavill’s Superman even killed his adversaries from time to time. In one case, he snapped a guy’s neck in a fashion that would not be described as a joyful act. So to see Cavill as a “joyful” Superman, well, that would be a very different film than what he’s made before.