Halloween Countdown: The Top Five Psychic-types in PokemonGO! Will your favorite Psychic-type raid counters make the list? Pokemon
\nHalloween is on its way back to Pokémon GO. In honor of the event, we are counting down the best Pokémon of the spooky variety to bring into raids. First, we covered the Top Five Ghost-types, Dark-types, and Bug-types here. Now, we look through a crystal ball into the future as we count down the Top Five Psychic-types to use as raid counters in Pokémon GO.\nMega Latias in Pokémon GO.
Hoopa Confined, which also ranks high on raid counter guides, is a Psychic\/Ghost-type, is a Mythical Pokémon that has been only available twice in the game. Hoopa was available once through the Season of Mischief's Special Research back in Fall 2021 and was just dropped again as the very first Elite Raid earlier in the Season of Light.\nMega Latios in Pokémon GO. Credit: Niantic\n3 – Mega Latios\nMega Latios takes the slot just two spots ahead of Mega Latias.