With the EU's new Green Claims Directive, all claims about a product's sustainability would need to be backed up by evidence. DW's PaulKrantz4 examines the aim of the law and how it would affect existing claims by brands like H&M, Shell and others:
An independent claims verifier would be put in place to check companies' green claims, see that they have supporting evidence, and that the claims properly reflect the full life cycle of products.
Michael Wagemans, head of environmental, social, governance and sustainability at consultancy KPMG in Belgium, says the directive will have a positive influence on business. "We are studying the proposal carefully and remain committed to working with governments, civil society and other businesses," a spokesperson for energy giant Shell told DW.To better understand how the Green Claims Directive would impact businesses, DW found a few green claims on the market and asked Blanca Morales for her opinion on whether or not they meet the directive's requirements.
Regarding this label, an H&M spokesperson said the company had"taken the decision to remove H&M's 'Conscious Choice' indicator from our online shop worldwide." This decision followed a case brought against H&M and Decathlon by a Dutch regulator.Breitsamer's CO2-neutral honey Under the Green Claims Directive,"they will need to be transparent, and to [clarify] what part of this corresponds to a reduction of emissions, and what part of the emissions are compensated for," Morales said.
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