Carrie Bradshaw may still be moving from Mr. Big — but fans of SexandtheCity are more than ready to see her reunite with another love.
Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie John Corbett as Aidan in ‘And Just Like That…’Parker, for her part, echoed King’s sentiment, promising that the dynamic between Carrie and Aiden won’t be a brief or frivolous reconciliation.later that month. “It’s undeniably exciting as an actor and certainly for writers to explore.
Who are they now? Are they good for each other? Are they, you know, apologetic? Are they trying to course correct in some ways? Are they better for each other? Are they worse for one another? And it’s just a hugely joyful thing to explore with that actor, with John Corbett, because he brings so much to it.”I think the way she’s pursuing it is still with the hope and the optimism and the real interest in it.