Creepy things our kids have said that spooked the %^*! out of us
There are certain milestone moments that are forever vivid in a parent’s memory: A child’s first steps. Their first words. The first time they glance up from their dinner and casually mention,
Kids can be delightful little weirdos who say bizarre and baffling things from time to time. But what about those times when your kid says something that totally creeps you out? That makes it hard to fall asleep in the dark? Or leaves you wondering if maybe you should move to another house, perhaps immediately?
We invited readers to share stories of things kids said that left their caregivers totally spooked. Here are some of our favorite submissions, lightly edited for length and my then-6-year-old daughter’s bedroom doorway and talking with her, and she kept looking past me into the hallway. There was nothing there. “What is it?” I asked.
Three years later, my toddler was sitting at a table in my office, coloring and playing with toys while I worked. She looked up at my bookshelf and saw a framed picture of a dog and asked, “Is that a picture of Oscar?” I replied, “Yes, it is.” She stared at the picture for a moment and then looked at me and said in a very serious tone, “You know I was Oscar last time?” and then she went back to coloring. I was feeding him his breakfast in the dining room.