'There are mattresses, then chairs for people to watch.' 💋
of interesting inquiries! So, we sat down with Cami and Niki to ask them your questions about sex parties, debunk some common myths, and share their thoughts on non-monogamy.—Anonymous I always like to make this distinction: There are threesomes, foursomes, and fivesomes. Six to 20 people is an orgy.With a sex party, there's a lot more room and a lot more people for exploration. I've been to clubs that host sex parties, and then house parties that are sex parties.
The general flow of a sex party is: You get there around 10 p.m., and usually people mingle for an hour to an hour and a half. People walk around drinking, talking, and getting to know everyone. At the house parties, after about an hour to an hour and a half, things start turning a bit sexual. It feels like it goes from 80 people in a room to no one because everyone disperses. There are some people you just won't see again for the rest of the night.