Early celebrations as Syria war on IS holdout wraps up

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South Africa Headlines News

South Africa Latest News,South Africa Headlines

Their battle against the last jihadists holding out in the besieged Syrian village of Baghouz hasn't quite ended but Kurdish-led fighters have already started celebrating.

Fighters with the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in the frontline village of Baghouz where they are fighting against the last shred of the Islamic State group's"caliphate". AFP/Delil souleiman

The Syrian Democratic Forces delivered the killer blow to the last vestige of the Islamic State group’s “caliphate” this week and the end of the bruising six-month-old operation is now within touching distance. The front porch of a plush villa the SDF turned into a temporary military headquarters is littered with the duffle bags, ammo belts and body armour the fighters discarded to join the impromptu party.

The young Kurdish soldier is originally from the northeastern province of Hasakeh but is stationed in Raqa, the former jihadist “capital” which the SDF seized in 2017.Since December, he has been regularly mobilised on two-week fighting missions to help wipe out the very last remnants of a jihadist proto-state that once covered territory larger than Britain.

Syrian and Iraqi government forces and their allies are deployed on the other side of the river and the border, making any escape impossible.


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