
Scan a QR code on smart dress for info on Egypt’s tourist attractions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

An Egyptian designer has created a smart dress embedded with a QR code on its sleeve, which a wearer can scan for a guide to the country’s most iconic tourist attractions.

Alaa Ahmed El-Sheishtawy has created an innovative way for tourists to blend ancient Egyptian fashion with information technology.

The designer made a dress embroidered with pharaonic designs and a QR code that once scanned offers information on the country’s top tourist attractions.

Sewn into the sleeve of the dress, wearers can use their mobile phones to scan the code taking them to an application with names, addresses, operating times and prices of Egypt’s many sites.

“There is also information on the artefacts available at each site which tourists can use to learn about what they are seeing especially if they don’t have a guide with them,” Ahmed explained.

Originally created for her university graduation project, Ahmed requires funding to bring her brand ‘Pharose’ to life and create several other designs for dresses she has sketched out, as well as expanding her fashion line to include options for men and children.

“I want there to be several branches in Egypt and abroad which is something that will encourage tourists to visit and at the same time I want to develop the application and the information available in it,” she added. the QR code which will take them to the information uploaded onto the application.”

“The second feature is the availability of tourist attractions in Egypt including museums, mosques and ancient sites. The information available includes their names, their addresses, operating hours, to help tourists plan out their days, and also the price of tickets for Egyptians and foreigners. There is also information on the artefacts available at each site which tourists can use to learn about what they are seeing especially if they don’t have a guide with them.”

