) - Mobile police have released a statement with new details about the shooting that happened during the New Year’s Eve celebrations.“On December 31, 2022, at approximately 11:14 p.m., officers responded to the 200 block of Dauphin Street concerning shots fired. Upon arrival, officers discovered that an unknown subject shot a 24-year-old male, and the male was pronounced deceased at the scene.
During the gunfire, nine other people suffered gunshot wounds. The victims, ages 17 to 57, were transported to local hospitals with injuries ranging from non-life-threatening to severe. In addition, two businesses were also struck by gunfire.If you have information about the case, please contact the Mobile Police Department at 251-208-7211, send an anonymous tip, or text 844-251-0644 or Download the FOX10 Weather App.
The shootings in downtown Mobile always seem to happen in the same area/corner! Mobile leadership has to get this under control! Prayers for the victims & hopefully the shooter will be arrested.
Mobile needs to crack down hard on gun violence. Not acceptable in this city!!!!! 2023 is a new year & time to send the message crime is not welcome in Mobile.
Getting more like New Orleans every night.