On Tuesday afternoon, following reports that Gisele Fetterman deactivated all her social media accounts, she reactivated her Twitter and wrote, “I posted several months ago that i would be talking a break from social media . I was bored with it … i am a Pisces ♓️ … it wasn’t adding anything to my life .. but leaving social media is somehow more exhausting than having it?! 🥴🤯.” The tweet came after an onslaught of speculation from social media users that she and her husband Sen.
John Fetterman (D-Pa.) had split amid his increasingly erratic behavior. She followed it up with another tweet: “You guys really are terrible, respectfully 😘.” Original story below. I regret to inform everyone that the situation with John Fetterman—the Democratic senator from Pennsylvania who ran, took people’s money, and won as a “progressive,” only to spend the last three months spitting in our faces—has only gotten weirder. Last month, we at Jezebel questioned what this man’s plan wa
Gisele Fetterman Social Media Split Husband John Fetterman