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Why Diets Don’t Work And Experts Do

Forbes EQ

First thing’s first, you’re here. You made it to read this article, which means you survived 2020 and lived through a global pandemic. And for that, we applaud you —  that was no easy feat. In fact, it was arguably one of the hardest times in American history. But you, yes YOU, made it. 

So to start, we celebrate you and are with you. 

The year of Covid-19: our habits changed. Our commute from the office became our commute to the couch. Our one hour at Barry’s Bootcamp became an hour at our desk. Our priorities shifted and for many, our bodies changed as a result of that too. And guess what, that is okay. Let us be the first to say, “It is OKAY.”

According to the American Psychological Association, 42% percent of Americans gained more weight than they intended over the past year. The average weight gain was 29 pounds (the median amount gained was 15 pounds). Millennials reported the largest average weight gain: 41 pounds. 

And so with that in mind, the weight-loss industry decided to attack. You’ve likely seen the rapid increase in weight-loss advertisements over the past several months. Cue fast fixes, diet pills, 7-day cleanses, and 24-hour fasts. What do these all have in common? They can lead to cycles of self doubt, self depreciation and flawed results. The very last thing anyone needs coming out of lockdown. 

Instead, we need forgiveness and support — to ourselves, to our bodies and to the time it takes to build back habits. The weight loss industry put millions of dollars into digital ads to convince you that a number on a scale matters — that the faster you make a change, the better off you’ll be. The truth is that change doesn’t always happen that fast and that our bodies are gentle and need time. 

Finding The Support You Need

If you’re still looking to lose some pounds or to start building healthy post-Covid habits, the answer isn’t to respond to ads that will guarantee your year of change can be fixed in under a week. The answer isn’t to start listening to an Instagram influencer who swears by a certain way of eating. The answer isn’t a series of changes that you will have to hold yourself accountable to and surmount yourself to weeks of arguing your own willpower. This simple answer is don’t go at it alone, get the support you need. 

Diet culture has been destructive and, quite frankly, lonely. The worst parts of diet culture can prey on your emotions, trigger your insecurities and poke at your sensitivities. It can be ruthless, shameful and flawed. The last thing we all need is more shame, more self doubt and more pain. So ignore the pills that guarantee you a lifelong change, ignore the fad that promises you fast results and get the support you need. 

You’re 95% more likely to hit your goals when you team up. Find a nutritionist, a dietitian or a certified health coach to help you get to where you want to be. The simple answer is that diets don’t work, but experts do. 

Ready to get the support you need? Sign up for Wellory, get matched to your very own personal nutrition coach and start building healthy habits that last. Use promo code FORBES for 50% off your first month.

This is a content marketing post from Wellory, a Forbes EQ participant. Forbes brand contributors’ opinions are their own.