Teals and Greens are now the third wave

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Both major parties campaigned on the economy, but it was climate change as much as he cost of living which shifted the dial against the Liberals.

The Coalition has been punished for its years of inaction. Labor had a solid policy but refused to promote it. It saw climate change as an issue to be neutralised, not promoted.

“We built a broad coalition for that policy, and we would have liked to have picked up more climate-conscious voters in the city, so we have to work out why that hasn’t been the case,” said shadow treasurer Jim Chalmers.is the political editor based in Canberra. He is a two-time winner of the Paul Lyneham award for press gallery excellence.

Source: Energy Industry News (energyindustrynews.net)


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It was incompetence and corruption.

What would Coorey know. He was Morrisons cheerleader so as out of touch as him. The electorate couldn’t stand Morrison

Has anyone realised climate targets effect the cost of living?

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